Interesting people deserve interesting bios! Whether you’re developing an “About Us” for your website or an introduction for your next event, why settle for cookie-cutter when you can tell a memorable story?
Life’s Simply Too Short for a Boring Bio
Authored by: Lisa Fahoury October 21, 2020Life’s Simply Too Short for a Boring BioMarketing Lessons from “Saturday Night Fever”
Authored by: Lisa Fahoury September 30, 2020Rarely a day goes by without hearing a song from the soundtrack of Saturday Night Fever. That’s pretty astonishing when you consider the film was released in late 1977 — 43 years ago. Some interesting lessons in longevity for today’s brands.
Marketing Lessons from “Saturday Night Fever”Instagram vs. Pinterest: Which Makes the Most Sense for Your Marketing Strategy?
Authored by: Lauren Harris August 24, 2020It’s safe to say that visual social media platforms are a huge hit with brands, consumers and potential customers. But with limited time or resources, how do you decide between the two?
Instagram vs. Pinterest: Which Makes the Most Sense for Your Marketing Strategy?The pandemic has changed our daily lives in more ways than one — right down to the words we use to communicate. If you’re falling into a content rut with the same tired language, here are some alternatives.
How to Sidestep COVID-related Content ClichésWhat does your ideal customer look like? A buyer persona — the fictional representation of your mystical perfect fit — guides your content to generate the right traffic.
Get to Know Me! Developing an Accurate Buyer PersonaWhat good is fabulous content if nobody sees it? When it comes to getting your content in front of the audience it deserves, here are four of our favorite tools to amplify your content marketing efforts.
Tried and True Content Amplification Tools