Content development made easy
These days, pretty much every successful marketing initiative — B2B or B2C — starts with content. Clients and prospects are savvier than ever before, typically doing tons of pre-purchase homework before reaching out for more information.
That means your organization needs to be prepared to inform first, sell later. Here’s where Fahoury Ink’s content development services can help — writing content at the right level of detail for every stage of your buying process, and helping to position your organization as a generous sharer of valuable insights rather than a pushy used car dealer.
Put us to work creating content like:
- Email campaigns and landing pages
- Web page content
- Case studies
- Social posts
- Brochures, sell sheets and product information kits
- Press releases
- Newsletters
- Executive bios
- White papers and research reports
- Infographics, and more
And don’t forget about internal communications:
- Employee newsletters
- Benefits guides
- Onboarding materials
- Professional development training decks
Have in-house writers who need a dose of creative inspiration? We even deliver on-site content marketing seminars for groups of 10 or more.