Brain Dump


Does Your Content Library Need a Glow-up?

You’ve likely invested a lot of time and resources to create engaging, thoughtful marketing content. And repurposing that content is a great way to extend its lifespan and reach a wider audience.

Before you redistribute older content, take a few minutes to run down this five-step checklist to ensure it remains relevant, accurate and still appealing.

Gather insights. Before tweaking any content, make sure it’s something your audience is still interested in reading.

Analyze metrics such as page views, engagement rates and conversion rates, so you can identify which pieces have resonated with your audience. Use this data to inform your content strategy and prioritize assets that have performed well in the past.

Check your stats. Are you using the latest studies or research sources for your data? For example, if you’re creating an infographic from a blog post you wrote six months ago, you don’t want to reference a study with outdated numbers.

Making sure all statistics are current shows your audience that you stay on top of industry trends. Remember, accuracy is key when it comes to content creation, so always double-check facts, sources and links before publishing refreshed content.

Swap out old images. Visual content can help break up text-heavy articles and provide additional context for your message.

Keep things new and interesting by replacing old images with high-impact visuals that align with your brand’s current aesthetic and messaging. Consider using tools like Canva to create custom graphics that are fresh and relevant.

Update dated references or examples. Content that references past events, trends or pop culture examples can quickly become irrelevant. (Yeah, COVID, we’re looking at you.)

It’s worth the energy to replace dated examples with current information to position your brand as an industry thought leader and maintain credibility.

Refresh keywords. Search volumes change all the time. Make an effort to update your content using the latest keyword data to take full advantage of current search trends.

It’s worth it to polish your gems
Nothing lasts forever. Giving your content library a touch-up can be a valuable investment to help maintain the relevance and impact of your messaging over time. Be strategic, prioritize what’s been shown to drive results, and make that content continue to pay dividends for the future.

Authored by: Lisa FahouryDoes Your Content Library Need a Glow-up?
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