Great content abounds, we know. And whether it’s for ongoing education in the tools of the copywriting trade or for creative thinking purposes, we spend a lot of time checking it out.
Sometimes, the unsubscribe button gets tapped pretty quickly, but over the years we’ve found some gems with true staying power.
A few faves worth checking out:
We knew it was love when we read the tagline: “Your Smart-Ass Friends in Digital Business.”
These guys manage to pull off a masterpiece every single day M-F — a master class in A-level subject lines and how to structure an engaging email, plus spot-on curated and original content.
Best of all? The creative use of nutshell as a verb. As in “let us nutshell this for you..” Because who couldn’t use more nutshelling in their life?
Content Marketing Institute Weekly News
You’d pretty much expect that a resource called the Content Marketing Institute would have consistently ah-mazing content — everything from deep-dive research reports to educational events like the annual Content Marketing World.
But CMI’s Friday weekly news consistently drops nuggets of knowledge and ah-ha moments like no other. Especially stellar is the weekly letter from content guru Robert Rose, most recently his take on the “pope in the pool” writing technique and its application to B2B storytelling.
Austin Kleon
Fridays seem to be the day for notable newsletters — the emails we actually look forward to reading. Austin Kleon’s weekly musings are a brilliant cascade of creative prompts.
This is the proverbial rabbit hole in a mostly rewarding way. Insights on the creative process, music, reading recommendations, all in a “10 things worth sharing” format illustrated with Kleon’s quirky handwriting-as-art visuals.
A personal favorite: Thoughts on when you should handwrite vs type. BTW, Kleon also offers a paid version with lots more goodies.
Speaker Net News
Another Friday fave, even for readers who never plan to make a living as a professional speaker.
This weekly gem has useful takeaways on being a better marketer, communicator and all-around value adder in your business.
Look for great shortcuts and resources related to business tech, travel, sales and more, plus fee-based webinars and other paid products mostly geared to improving your public speaking.
Any personal must-reads to add to the list?
Email — we’d love to check ‘em out!